2 Weeks is how long my husband will be gone :( He left this morning for his Marine Corps training. The house is a mess and the babies are fussy, go figure! So I guess this will be my tribute 2 weeks to single parents, except that I don't have to go to work. I couldn't imagine having 3 kids plus working. I suppose you would get into a routine that involved daycare and packed lunches and maybe working parents in general cherish the time they DO have with their kids. They can focus on quality, not quantity. Sometimes I feel like I don't use my time wisely. I need to do more crafts and learning opportunities for Noah. I would like to take him for bikerides and make sure he gets to the YMCA or the park every other day. It's not that I'm too lazy to do these things, I just have my hands full with the twins. I make sure Noah is enrolled in a class at the Y tho, that way he at least gets some social interaction with kids his age, and he gets to learn. Right now he is in a class called "Count Me In", of course, they are learning numbers. He brought home a worksheet with a bunch of 4's he practiced. I love the YMCA here, I'm really going to miss it when I move back to AZ. However, I'm hoping that I get to spend a little more "quality" time with the kids when I get there because I won't have as much to worry about and I won't be in my own messy house!
So today I spent half the day trying to clean up and I have nothing to show for it, the house is still a mess. The twins were taking turns crying. I don't know why they choose to be fussy on the SAME days, someone needs to invent a "twin sling", although the thought of that sounds dangerous. I would imagine it would look like a double decker where their heads were on opposite sides.
Even though I should be packing, I am finally trying to get organized. My lifesaver... plastic tubs. Noah's room is going to be full of plastic tubs that are labeled and organized. I also plan to get a bunch of tubs for my craft stuff since I won't have my own craft closet after we move. I'd like to have everything organized so that if I want something, I can just go to our storage unit and I won't have to rummage through everything to find something I want.
ORGANIZATION Is my #1 task during these next two weeks.
I took a picture of what should be inside. |
Don't know if I'll keep these labels since they are clear boxes.
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