Today I took my first solo ride with the babies and Noah. I drove all the way to Wautoma from my house (hour and 15 min each way) and luckily neither baby cried on the way their or the way back. Traveling with twins is so much more difficult than traveling with just one baby. Whether I am driving for an hour or going to a store that is 5 minutes away I still have to pack a bag full of stuff. Diapers, bottles, extra clothes and right now Liam's oxygen tank. Most people don't like to drive with screaming babies in the car so, of course, I have to feed the babies before I go anywhere. Sometimes it turns into a decision to leave right away after they eat or be forced to wait until after their next feeding which could be and hour and half to two hours later. So, I have decided to make plans for the next day. No more waiting until noon to decide that I want to go somewhere. I need to decide the night before and get everything ready if I want to leave the house before 3pm. All in all, I did pretty well today. Noah is staying at Grandma and Papa's until Sunday and Stephen works 3rd shift tonight and tomorrow so I will actually get to "sleep when baby(s) sleep" :) I do miss my Noah when he is gone tho.
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