Went from homemade pain in the butt Pom Pom makers to amazingly easy should have bought them sooner real Pom Pom makers. I just made a Pom Pom in about 2 minutes. I bought these off of amazon.com.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I'm a Bridesmaid!
Tonight my family and I went over to one of my husbands best friend's house for dinner, and I was surprised with an invitation to be a bridesmaid in their wedding. Of course, I said yes! I am very honored. This is my third time around with the bridesmaid duty and now I have Pinterest, so I am very excited. I'm a sucker for wedding ceremonies though, I always cry. I am looking forward to spending time with her and the other girls these next couple of months.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Baby Bibs

I don't like putting bibs on my babies. First, I don't want to spend the $5-$? on cute bibs when I go through so many in a day. Second, I like the outfits that the babies wear and I don't like covering them up with an ugly bib. Unfortunately, the drool can get pretty out of control, so I decided that I would make my own cute bibs. Maybe I will make a tutorial one of these but they just seem so simple. I was up way too late making these, but they have been sitting on the kitchen table, half done, for about 3 days now. I had to finish them and I'm so happy I did. Now Liam can have some cute bibs to wear, plus I made Kady one more too. I also added in a burp cloth.
Princess Fiona
I had some girl time with one of my best friend's Liz. She has a son that is the same age as my oldest. They get along great, but today it was just the girls. Meaning, I also got to have some one on one time with Kadence. Babies are so unexpected, and I love that about them. I don't always love cleaning up their messes, but I will always remember them. For example, today I dressed Kadence up in a really cute outfit with a tutu and leopard print cardi with a princess onesie and what does she do? She has a poop explosion at lunch and I have to change her into a sleeper that I brought as her "back-up" clothes. The sleeper is cute too, but sometimes I wonder why I spend money on cute clothes when most of the time, they are either pooped on or spit up on before we even make it to our destination. I guess the truth is, is that I just can't resist cute baby clothes. Sometimes I have to make large detours in stores just to avoid the baby clothes so that I don't buy any. It is doubly hard because I get to look at boy and girl clothes. Sometimes I wish I was boring and liked onesies and sleepers and that's it. But I'm a sucker for outfits. I need to get a part time job so I can buy the stuff guilt free. However, I'm proud of myself, because even though Kadence ruined her outfit today, I did not buy her a new one. I left her in her sleeper, because at least she can't kick off her sock, which is a whole different post. Here a pic of my wonderful daughter having a "Princess Fiona" moment :)
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Twins are 7 Months!
I wanted to take pictures of them together, but my husband had to go to work and it is almost impossible to get them together without some help. So maybe tomorrow.
On the 11th the twins turned 7 months. It's amazing how different they are. They are meeting milestones at different paces than each other, and a lot different than Noah. I remember being really proactive about Noah getting to his different milestones and with the twins, I'm just letting it happen on its own. I help them out, of course, but I'm not trying to get them to sit, or crawl or stand every second of the day like I did with Noah, partially because I don't really want them to grow up too fast, and partially because I simply don't have the time. Sometimes it still feels weird to me that they are both mine. Honestly, having two babies (or more) at the same time is unique. They are really starting to interact and today Kadence started stealing toys. Liam picked up a toy and Kadence wanted it. Once she got ahold of it, Liam picked up another. She, of course, dropped the once she previously took and went for the new toy Liam had. The sibling rivalry begins. Right now, it is cute, and I will enjoy them being civil about their toys without screaming at each other.
Kadence is about 14.5lbs. She hasn't had any teeth come in yet. She can sit on her own but can't get to the seated position herself. She is not crawling yet, but she scoots pretty well and I have seen her get on all fours a few times. She loves baby food and will actually eat the greens. Maybe she won't be a picky eater (fingers crossed). She has a voice of her own and a powerful cry. She also loves to put her hands over her eyes while she is having a bottle. My little diva.
Liam is about 16.5lbs. He doesn't have teeth yet. He can sit for a few seconds on his own. He is getting better at it every day. He still does NOT like being on his belly, so all fours has not happened and scooting only happens out of anger and frustration. I have a feeling that once he can sit on his own, he might start trying to grab at toys and find himself on all fours without having to start on his belly. He started eating food before Kadence, but does not like greens. My boys are picky. He is a lover and always wants to be held. He knows that he has competition and he definitely wins on the attention scale. He is happy as long as he is in someone's arms or his Jumperoo! He LOVES his Jumperoo, he even falls asleep in it sometimes. It definitely tires him out.
Noah is a great big brother, he loves to make the twins laugh. I'm pretty sure he does a better job of it than anyone else. He can make them laugh at the silliest things and I try to make them laugh and I get smiles but I have to work extra hard to get a laugh. I hope that his love for his brother and sister lasts forever.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
DIY Yarn Ball Container
I cannot find a "yarn ball holder" anywhere. Not even on Amazon. If anyone knows the specific name of one and where I can get it (for not too pricey) let me know. I want a multi-ball yarn holder that you can pull the string out of different compartments. I swear I have seen them but can't remember where. So for Christmas I wanted a yarn ball winder and I didn't get one. I am so glad! I am new to the yarn world and have tried to make a yarn ball but always fail. So, of course, I went to my trusty youtube and found a simple tutorial on a center pull string yarn ball which I will post the link to below. Now that I can make a yarn ball I needed something to hold it in so it doesn't roll away on me. I have twins and go through A LOT of formula and whenever I throw away an empty can I think, "I know I can do something crafty with this, I just don't know what". Well I found something! Yarn ball holder! And this is my very simple tutorial....
Start with an empty can of formula
Peel off the label
I used scrapbook paper to "decorate" my can, it can either be glued or taped on. There are many ways to get fancy with this, but my time was limited.
Wind your yarn into a center pull ball or whatever kind of yarn ball you usually make. This is the link to the tutorial I used to make my yarn ball. Which is super easy.
When you are finished with your yarn ball drop it in your can. I didn't measure the amount of yarn that fit into this can, I just kept winding until it fit in the can without forcing it. Again, this is extremely amateur.
Take the lid and cut a small hole in the middle (mine is 1cm). If you have a drill or dremel handy this will be perfect for that, or if you don't (like me), I used a small exacto knife that I use for scrapbooking. Then, using sandpaper, (or if you don't have any, maybe a nail file, like I did) smooth the edges of the hole you just cut so it doesn't snag the yarn.
Now take the string that is coming out of the center of yarn and put it through the bottom of the lid. Replace the lid with the string hanging out and Voila! Your very easy (upcycled) yarn ball holder, for smaller projects of course.
Thank you for your interest in this tutorial! Have a Happy New Year and many blessings to you and your family in 2013!
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